Caniglia Facial Plastic Surgery

What causes the Tyndall effect, and how can you avoid it?

Scottsdale dermal fillers

Although facial plastic surgery can achieve incredible results, we also have many effective nonsurgical options. One of the most popular options are the injectable dermal fillers. These can be injected just under the skin or into the deeper tissues. They’re versatile, and can be used to address many different issues, from deep grooves and wrinkles to scars to imbalances in the facial features. These are sometimes known as a “lunchtime” treatment, because they offer immediate results with virtually no downtime.

Although dermal fillers can be very effective, any treatment can have unwanted effects, and fillers are no exception. In some cases, people may experience the Tyndall effect. Fortunately, the Tyndall effect is generally avoidable with good injection technique, and there are also ways to treat it in case it does occur.

What is the Tyndall effect? Why does it occur, and how can it be reversed?

The Tyndall effect causes a blue cast to the skin

The Tyndall effect is actually a physics term. It refers to the way that light is scattered by small particles. As light passes through a liquid or through air that contains small particles, the blue wavelengths of light (which are shorter) are scattered more than the red wavelengths (which are longer). In fact, the Tyndall effect explains why the sky appears blue – in the atmosphere, the blue wavelengths of sunlight are scattered more than the red ones, and so they hit our eyes and we see them.

Because of the Tyndall effect, hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are slightly blue. This is because they’re made up of small particles of HA suspended in a gel. The HA particles scatter the blue wavelengths of light more than the red ones, causing the overall substance to appear slightly blue.

In certain instances, an HA filler may be visible through the skin. If this happens, then the area will appear to have a blue cast or tint, somewhat like a bruise that doesn’t go away. In cosmetic medicine, this is what we’re referring to when we talk about the Tyndall effect. This will generally only occur if the filler is injected close to the surface of the skin, in an area where the skin is thin (such as under the eyes).

Can the Tyndall effect be avoided?

In general, the Tyndall effect should not happen when good injection technique is used. When the filler is injected very shallowly, into the upper layers of the skin, then it’s much more likely to be visible. A good injector will place the filler somewhat more deeply, so that it won’t be seen through the skin. This avoids the Tyndall effect.

In addition, it’s important not to inject large amounts of filler into areas where the skin is thinner. Larger quantities of filler are more likely to be seen through the skin, leading to the Tyndall effect. It’s important to place filler judiciously in order to avoid this complication.

This is why it’s important to choose an injector with proper training and experience. We’ve unfortunately seen what can happen when people get their fillers from someone who hasn’t had proper training, such as at a party or a spa. The injector may not have the knowledge and experience needed to avoid problems like the Tyndall effect.

Will the Tyndall effect go away over time?

The Tyndall effect is caused by the structure of the HA filler itself. It will only go away when the filler is gone. In general, fillers are slowly reabsorbed within the body, but this can take six months to a year or even longer to occur. If you’re experiencing the Tyndall effect, you’ll continue to see it until the filler is gone.

However, it’s also possible to dissolve HA fillers using injections of an enzyme called hyaluronidase. Dissolving the filler will get rid of the Tyndall effect. You can then have new injections performed if you’d like. As long as the proper technique is used the second time, the Tyndall effect should not occur again.

Scottsdale dermal fillers

If you’re considering dermal fillers, make sure that you choose a provider with the right training and experience to avoid complications like the Tyndall effect. It’s not worth saving money by choosing someone inexperienced. If you have complications, then you’ll need to pay even more to dissolve the filler, or you’ll have to live with the complications for a long time.

Dr. Caniglia is very committed to ensuring only the best quality treatment for every patient that enters our office. If you’d like to get filler, and you’re looking for a highly trained injector so that you can get the great results you’re looking for, please schedule a consultation. We can also perform hyaluronidase injections if you need to dissolve filler injected elsewhere. Please contact our office to book an appointment.

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