
27th Apr, 2016

Exfoliation is a key step in your skin care routine. Many people have heard the term, but aren’t quite sure what it means. Exfoliation simply means removing old, dead skin cells and debris from the surface of the skin. This reveals the younger skin cells underneath. When you exfoliate away the old skin cells, then you are quite literally showing the world a younger face.

Exfoderm is designed to make exfoliation a part of your daily skin care routine. Used after your toner, Exfoderm is a lotion that also works to exfoliate the skin. It’s formulated to be lightweight, so it won’t leave your skin feeling greasy and heavy like some lotions might. Daily use of Exfoderm will keep your skin hydrated, and will help with daily removal of the dead skin cells that are blocking your skin’s youthful radiance from view.

Make sure your daily routine starts with a good cleanser, such as Obagi’s Gentle Cleanser or Foaming Gel Cleanser. You may also want to use a toner, and a skin brightening agent such as Clear or Blender.

Posted on April 27, 2016 By ,

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