Facelift Recovery in Phoenix and Scottsdale

A facelift in Phoenix is a surgical procedure designed to address the sagging skin and muscles of the cheeks, jowls and neck area. It can also be used to recontour the fatty layer. A typical facelift takes approximately 1 ½ -2 hours to complete. Recovery time can greatly depend on surgical technique and length of operation. Operating in the correct surgical plane and controlling bleeding during surgery will improve recovery time. Over the last 10 years, Dr. Caniglia has seen a marked decrease in the downtime from facelift surgery. He attributes this to the use of Tisseal, a fibrin sealant or natural tissue glue that he sprays underneath the skin, prior to closure of the facelift incisions. This natural tissue glue dramatically decreases the bruising and swelling seen with facelift surgery. It also allows Dr. Caniglia to not have to use drains or postoperative pressure dressings, which can prolong recovery time.

A Phoenix facelift patient can be up and about the next day after surgery; however it is recommended to wait 10-14 days before undertaking heavy lifting and bending and return to exercise. Most patients will wait 7-10 days before returning to work, depending how discreet the patient wishes to be. Patients will ultimately continue to heal for several months.

Surprising to most patients, there is very little discomfort from facelift surgery. Most patients experience numbness along the incisions line (in front and behind the ears) and tightness in the neck area. Tightness is a good sign early on as tissues will tend to relax some depending on the elasticity of one’s skin.
A facelift can produce dramatic results with very little downtime. It is important to seek out a facial plastic surgeon who specializes in surgery of the face and who has a keen artistic eye to ensure natural-looking results.

If you are located in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area and looking for a facelift please contact Dr. Caniglia today.