
Melasma Treatment Scottsdale

Melasma is the formation of dark spots on the skin. Although it most commonly occurs on the face, it can also occur on other parts of the body, such as the forearms. Melasma most commonly occurs during pregnancy, when it’s so common that it’s sometimes known as “the mask of pregnancy.” The dark spots don’t always go away on their own after the pregnancy is over.

Laser Treatment for Melasma

Laser is an excellent treatment for melasma. The laser pulls the pigment to the surface of the skin, and then they peel off and fall away. The best results are generally achieved with a fractional laser treatment. Although satisfactory results may be obtained after one treatment, it’s often necessary to have a few treatments to get the results you desire.

It’s important not to use a high-powered laser for melasma. If an ablative laser is used across the entire skin’s surface, then it can sometimes actually worsen the pigmentation abnormalities. Instead, a lower-power laser should be used on the affected areas.

Other Melasma Treatment Options

There are a few other treatment options for melasma. Microdermabrasion can be helpful for some. People with melasma may also benefit from a light chemical peel.

A peel that’s too deep may induce hyperpigmentation, making the problem worse, just as with a laser treatment that’s too aggressive. It’s important that your treatment team fully understands the needs of facial skin, so they can create a treatment plan that’s effective but not too aggressive.

Melasma Treatment Scottsdale AZ

To learn more about your treatment options for melasma, please contact our office to schedule a consultation. We will be happy to evaluate your skin situation and recommend a treatment plan that will best serve your needs.