How do you know if you’re a good candidate for a facelift?

30th Jun, 2023

Facelifts are one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures – and for good reason. A surgical facelift is the most effective way to reverse the visible signs of aging and rejuvenate the facial appearance.

At the same time, facelifts aren’t right for everyone. There are some people who would be better served by another option, such as fillers, botox, or laser skin resurfacing. There are also a few people for whom a surgical procedure like a facelift might not be a safe option.

How can you know whether you’re a good candidate for a facelift? What determines whether this is a good option for you to consider?

What factors go into determining if you’re a good candidate for a facelift?

There are a number of different factors that are important in determining whether a facelift may be a good option for you. You might be a good candidate for a surgical facelift if you have:

  • Concerns that a facelift can address. Facelifts are highly effective at reversing the visible signs of aging, like loose and sagging skin, jowls, and wrinkles. However, there are also some concerns that a facelift can’t address, like changes in texture, fine lines, or sun spots. For issues like these, a nonsurgical option (such as laser skin resurfacing,  may offer better results. These two procedures can be combined for the best results.
  • Serious concerns about facial appearance. A facelift can offer dramatic results. It may not be right for those who have only minor concerns about facial aging. Many people use nonsurgical treatments as they first begin to notice the signs of aging and wait to have a facelift until these treatments are no longer enough to get the results that they want.
  • Commitment to your own healing. The steps that you take during your postsurgical period will have a major impact on your results. It’s important to ensure that you have the energy and motivation to stay committed to doing what it takes to support your body’s healing process. This includes taking enough time off from work and other obligations to allow time to heal.
  • Realistic expectations. Although a facelift can do a lot to rejuvenate your appearance, it’s not a “magic bullet,” and it won’t make you look exactly like you did when you were 25. It’s important to be clear about your expectations for the procedure. 
  • Good health overall. You certainly don’t have to be in perfect shape to consider a facelift. However, you should be in relatively good health overall. If you have major medical problems, then surgery might not be safe for you. If you smoke, this may interfere with your healing, so it is recommended you quit one week before surgery for two weeks after surgery.

If you’re concerned about your facial appearance, but you’re not a good candidate for a facelift, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you just have to give up and live with looking older than you feel. You may be able to consider nonsurgical options, like laser skin resurfacing, injectables, microneedling, or chemical peels.

Facelift Scottsdale

Ultimately, the only way to be sure about whether or not you’re a good candidate for a facelift is to consult a facial plastic surgeon. Making this determination requires an exam and a discussion of your medical history as well as your goals for your appearance. It takes years of training and experience to truly master not only the techniques for performing a facelift, but also the art of knowing what it can and can’t accomplish.
As a specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Caniglia is highly qualified to assess whether a facelift would be a good option for you. He’ll also discuss any nonsurgical options that might be appropriate, and let you know what results you could likely expect from each of your options. Then you’ll be well-prepared to make a decision about what’s right for you. Please contact our office to schedule your appointment.

Posted on June 30, 2023 By , in

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