How long will a neck liposuction procedure last?

Neck liposuction Scottsdale

Many people think of liposuction as a body procedure. For example, it’s commonly used to get rid of stubborn “love handles” that just won’t go away no matter how many crunches you do. Sometimes people are surprised to learn that a specialist facial plastic surgeon also performs liposuction. 

However, this procedure can be extremely useful for addressing certain issues with the facial appearance. A very common example is a double chin. For many people, a healthy lifestyle isn’t enough to get rid of unwanted fat deposits underneath the chin. This can make a person look heavier or older than they really are, and can disguise a lovely jawline by shrouding it in fat tissue. Liposuction can be used to get rid of these fatty deposits, revealing a more youthful and attractive facial appearance.

If you choose to have liposuction, you may be wondering how often you’ll have to repeat the procedure. How long does neck liposuction last? Will you need to plan to have the procedure again in a few years?

Liposuction removes fat cells permanently

The good news is that liposuction is generally considered to be a permanent procedure. This is because unlike most cells in the body, fat cells actually don’t replicate themselves. When you gain or lose weight, this happens because each fat cell gets bigger or smaller, but the number of fat cells remains the same. 

When you have liposuction, some of your fat cells are removed through a cannula (a long narrow tube connected to a suction device). The body will not replace these cells – they’re gone forever. In this sense, liposuction creates permanent results.

Fat tissue can still change size

As long as your body weight remains relatively stable, then the results from your liposuction procedure should be permanent. However, it’s important to recognize that the fat tissue remaining in your body can still change size. If you gain a lot of weight, then the remaining fat cells will grow larger. Liposuction doesn’t remove every single fat cell in an area, and so it can’t completely prevent weight gain in that area. If you gain a significant amount of weight after having liposuction, your double chin might come back.

In general, even if you gain weight, you’ll gain less of it in the area where you had liposuction than you would have if you hadn’t had the procedure. In this sense, your liposuction results are still permanent. Even if your double chin does come back, it will be smaller than it would have been without liposuction.

Still, to maintain the quality of your results, it’s best to have liposuction after you’ve achieved a relatively stable body weight. Remember that liposuction is not a method of weight loss. Only a limited amount of fat tissue can be removed through liposuction. You should put the effort into leading a healthy lifestyle, so you can achieve a healthy and stable body weight. Then, if there are areas where you still have unwanted fat tissue that stubbornly resists your efforts, you can choose liposuction to remove it.

Neck liposuction Scottsdale

If you’re bothered by a double chin, then you might want to consider liposuction of the neck to address the issue. A consultation with Dr. Caniglia will give you a chance to find out whether you’re a good candidate for this procedure. He will assess whether your double chin is caused by excess fat tissue, sagging skin, or both. He’ll then be able to give you his professional recommendation about which procedure would be most likely to address your concerns effectively. To schedule your appointment, simply contact our front desk.